Training Course on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Date of Course 8 (Tues) and 9 (Wed) March 2016

Course Aim

To provide students with knowledge to familiarize with the energy efficiency in buildings with respect to types of renewable energy and their technologies, and cases in Hong Kong, China and overseas countries. Energy consumption indicators and application of energy efficiency in building, as well as their conservation/saving technologies, energy audit and analysis will be taught.
Course Topics
First Day:
1.Renewable energy and energy conversion technologies:
Wind, solar, hydroelectric, biowaste energy technologies; projects in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas, advantages and problems
2. Energy saving in air conditioning and ventilation;
Demonstration of wind energy and natural ventilation;
Air conditioning system efficiency, natural ventilation ;
Ventilation prediction by wind tunnel test, site measurement and computer model.;
Sustainable building design guideline by Planning Department;
Air ventilation assessment for new development.
3. Application of energy efficiency and conservation technologies in public and
private sectors;
Optimizing the performance of electrical appliances, products and systems;
Design principles to minimize energy use in buildings and devices.
Second Day:
4. Detailed calculations to cover all the items under Energy Use of BEAM Plus
assessment for new building;
5. Building Energy Code 2014 Revision
6. Case Studies on Science Park, Zero Carbon Center, EMSD Headquarter, and Green Buildings
in Hong Kong.

Dr. C F Ng

Dr. Ng had taught in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for over 20 years before setting up his own consultancy company, C. F. Ng & Associates Limited in 2013. He has also conducted research on energy performance of new window design and taught courses in environmental control and sustainable development and green building design.
Dr. Ng has rich knowledge in the energy efficiency design and its application in buildings. His environmental consultancy projects included the air ventilation in building, study on the heat recovery system of air conditioners ; ventilated window design for energy saving and measurement for the hostel of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has conducted wind tunnel test, site measurement and computer model for local wind environment and micro-climate studies. He was also BEAM consultant for several residential and educational projects.
Integrated building.

For more details, please send an email to


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