Introduction to Railway Project (Railway Planning and Development and Lifecycle Costing Analysis on Railway Projects)

Date of Course 18 April 2016

Course Aim

This one-day course is designed to provide valuable training to engineers who are managing railways project. The course is also suitable for personnel working in a railway project wanting to have a high level understanding and appreciation of the subjects in order to enhance their knowledge in railway engineering. Junior engineers and experienced management personnel will benefit.


Synopsis for the Training This training consists of two major sections: Railway Planning and Development and Lifecycle Costing Analysis on Railway Projects. For the first section, the training will cover transport planning and development in a sustainable development framework. Using Hong Kong’s railway development for the past decades as case studies, the trainer will briefed the trainees on how railway expansion and evolution could be properly positioned in the City’s overall developmental context. Examining the historical and conceptual base of sustainable development, it would enable participants to gain some useful perspectives of the administrative and decision making process in the urban socio-economic-political context in which the railway system operates.While transport infrastructure is a large investment for any cities or states of any government, yet it is inevitable that a robust and efficient transport infrastructure will facilitate the on-going development and economic growth of that city or region. Any government or investor, in the case of Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement, related to the transport infrastructure needs to understand the total cost outlay in relation to the consolidated revenue for the construction and operation of that infrastructure. For the second section of the training, the trainer attempts to use railway project / operation as example to illustrate the concept of Lifecycle Costing Analysis which could assist the decision / policy makers to justify the investment that will go to this type of major projects.LecturerIr Chang Che Son




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