Fungus, Tree Response and Management of Trees of All Ages ( 27-28 Sept ( Full day) and 29 Sept 2017 (Half Day)

Class Dates: 27-28 Sept 2017 (Full day) and 29 Sept 2017 ( Half Day)
Fungi, colonisation strategies and significant diseases in Hong Kong.
Understanding effects on tree structure and the trees’ biological responses.
Diagnostic procedure for trees with poor health, including internal investigation, tree risk assessment and management.
Day 1
Session 1 Fungi
It is estimated there are at least 5 million species of fungi but only about 100,000 so far described. A tree needs to be considered as a colony of organisms including other trees, animals, insects and micro-organisms, rather than as an isolated individual.   Some associated organisms may be hostile, but others are friendly and the latter are essential for the tree in terms of health, energy reserves and survival. Consideration is given to how fungi may colonise the wood in a variety of ways and compromise the structural integrity of the tree.  Fungi association may also be essential by sharing resources with the tree.
Session 2 Tree Defence and Responses
Part 1.
Trees have a biological defence mechanism, compartmentalisation, to resist colonisation by micro-organisms. The processes are dependent on the vitality of the tree. The seasonal phenological cycle describes the fluctuation of potential energy reserves and the implications for tree management.
Part 2.
In addition, current biological research is developing an understanding of extraordinary capabilities of trees to perform complex information processing. Traditionally trees / plants have been thought to be passive.  However there is clear evidence of trees identifying animals and insects and distinguishing friendly associates from hostile (e.g. insect) herbivores.   As examples, trees use biogenic volatile organic compound chemicals (VOCs) to attract predators of the hostile insect.   VOCs enable an attacked tree to communicate with other trees, which produce toxic chemicals in their leaves, in preparation and prior to infestation.
Part 3.
Following the causes of ill health and responses in trees, the diagnostic procedure and methodology is considered in respect of biotic and abiotic factors affecting trees.
Day 2.
Session 1. Bio-mechanics
The purpose of visual tree assessment is to recognise features which may indicate compromised structural integrity in the tree. The assessment of reaction wood growth responses of the tree are also considered in terms of management and useful life expectancy of the tree.  Methods of internal investigation, sound equipment, micro drills and other approaches e.g. winch pull tests are evaluated. Risk management is considered in respect of quantifying risk by probability, or forseeability.
Session 2. Morphology of Veteran Trees
A brief look at processes of reiteration in trees, i.e. new adaptive, or traumatic growths from the tree, which become copies of the parent tree. A tree’s life span may be extremely long, or even indefinite.
Day 3 (Half Day)
Field trip to look at examples of trees.
Lecturer: Jack Kenyon
Qualifications and Experience:
• Royal Forestry Society’s National Diploma in Arboriculture
• Fellow of the Arboricultural Association.
• Bachelor of Education Honours Degree
• Post Graduate Diploma in Post Compulsory Education and Training
• Winner of the 1998 the Arboricultural Association, Annual Award for contributions to the arboriculture industry
Jack had worked many years at Merrist Wood College in the UK.  He managed a Tree Surgery Course covering tree care and maintenance and Higher Education programmes for managers, tree officers and consultants, managing urban amenity trees.
Jack served on the Arboricultural Association Education and Training Committee, Arboriculture Safety Council (ASC), developing industry best practice and safety guidance and representative of Arboricultural Association on the Forestry and Arboriculture Safety and Training Council (FASTCo) working group called  Arboriculture and Forestry Advisory Group (AFAG), involved with research and development of industry practice, safe working practices through training and the production of safety guidance.
Jack was also involved with two British Standards Committees on Rope Access and Personal Protective Clothing.  He is an Assessor for the National Proficiency Tests Council (NPTC) and he assesses arborist practitioners on a range of practical skills.
Jack continued this work when FASTCo was replaced by the National Training Organisation (NTO) LANTRA. Other involvements included being an industry representative on British Standards Committees for rope access and PPE and part of the UK Delegation on the European (CEN) Standards Working Groups for Rope Access.
Jack developed the prussic loop climbing method, which has been the standard climbing system for the past 30 years He also developed a climbing aid to assist access into the tree, known as the Prussik Lift, or Kenyon Ascender.

Jack is also internationally known and respected.  Jack chaired a working group under the Executive of the ISA UKI Chapter and set up the Certified Arborist Programme in the UK. He was given an honorary life time membership to the UK & I Chapter for this work.

Early bird deadline: 28 Aug 2017

Application deadline: 13 September 2017

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