15-16 April 2019 Managing trees to reduce risk and prolong useful life by Prof Gregory Moore

Date: 15 and 16 April 2019

15 April 2019 9:30 a. m. -5:30p. m

16 April 2019 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.

Venue:14/F, On Lok Yuen Building,25-27Des Voeux Road, Central.

12 CEU

Biography of Lecturer: Dr Greg Moore

Greg Moore was Principal of Burnley College of the Institute of Land Food Resources at Melbourne University from 1988 to 2007.  Prior to this he was a Senior Lecturer and Lecturer in Plant Science and Arboriculture at Burnley from 1979. He was Head of the School of Resource Management at the University from 2002 to 2007.

Apart from a general interest in horticultural plant science, revegetation and ecology, Greg has a specific interest in all aspects of arboriculture, which is the scientific study of the cultivation and management of trees.  He has contributed to the development of Australian Standards in pruning and amenity tree evaluation and has been a major speaker at conferences in Australia, Israel, Hong Kong, USA, France and New Zealand in recent years. He was the inaugural president of the International Society of Arboriculture, Australian Chapter. He has been a regular on Melbourne radio, particularly with ABC 774 and 3AW.


He has been a member of the National Trust of Victoria’s Register of Significant Trees since 1988 and has chaired the committee since 1996. Greg was been on the Board of Greening Australia (Victoria) from 1988 to 2012. He has chaired Treenet since 2005 and has been on the Board of SGA since 2002. He was a ministerial nomination as a Trustee for the Trust for Nature from 2009 to 2017 and for Yarra Park from 2010 to 2020. He has also served on a number of industry and TAFE sector committees, especially those that deal with curriculum and accreditation matters.


He is currently supervising two post-graduate students and continues to pursue an active research profile in any matters that relate to trees in the urban environment and revegetation. He has written two books, contributed to five others and has had some 165 papers and articles relating to tree biology and management published. He was awarded an OAM in 2017 for services to the environment, particularly arboriculture.



15 April 2019 16 April 2019
Urban tree root development and tree hazard


Dead wooding Tree canopies: Cosmetic or Safety Surgery
Trees on development sites – protection, roots and risk management Urban tree adaptation to climate change -water and temperature
Lunch Break
Assessment of street tree establishment Diagnostic principles and tree disorders
The Arboricultural, Safety and Economic benefits of Formative

Pruning Street Trees

Diagnostic principles and tree disorders

For more details, please send an email to event@lns.com.hk



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