Railway Signalling System

Date : 12 and 13 December 2016

Course Aim

This two-day open course is designed to provide valuable training to engineers who are managing railways project. The course is also suitable for personnel working in a railway project wanting to have a high level understanding and appreciation of the subjects in order to enhance their knowledge in railway signalling. Junior engineers and experienced management personnel will benefit.

Synopsis for the Training
This training gives an introduction to and an overview of the Signalling system and its subsystems. This will give the audience an understanding of the different key subsystems and building blocks for a modern signaling system, comprising Automatic Train Protection System, Automatic Train Supervision System and Automatic Train Control systems covering both trackside, train-borne and central equipment.

The training course will cover signalling system design including the basic signalling principles and the technological development of the signalling system with focus on the modern communication based train control system. The different signalling systems such as fixed block, moving block and distance-to-go systems will be covered.

The design of driverless operation adopting the modern communication based train control system using radio transmission will be discussed. The design of the interfaces of Signalling system with the trains, platform screen doors, communications, control, etc will also be covered.

Towards the end, the signalling system being adopted for high speed train services will be discussed and the standards for ETCS (European Train Control System) and CTCS (Chinese Train Control System) shall be highlighted to the audience.

Ir Chang Che Son

Education and Professional Qualifications
• Bachelor of Science (Engineering)
• Master of Business Administration (MBA)
• Chartered Engineer (CEng)
• Registered Professional Engineers (CAI, Information, Electronics)
• Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET)
• Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (FHKIE)
• Member of the Institute of Railway Signal Engineers (M.I.R.S.E.)

Professional Education Services
• Member of the Advisory Committee on Mechanical & Automation Engineering of Chinese University of HK
• Industrial Advisor to Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management Programme, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
• Part Time Lecturer on Railway Engineering Module for an MSc Course in the Chinese University of Hong Kong
• Adjunct Lecturer on Railway Engineering course in the Singapore Polytechnic of Singapore
• External Examiner on Professional Certificate/Certificate on Railway Engineering Vocational Training Council

Key Industry Experience
Ir Chang CS is a professional railway system engineer with 30 years of international project experience. CS possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience in the design, installation, testing and commissioning of multi-disciplinary and sophisticated railway systems as well as in the project management of mega size railway projects. Moreover, CS is instrumental in conducting critical reviews on train operation of mass transit railway and light rail with an aim to assess the ergonomic design and technical robustness for both new and existing railways. CS’s career in railway engineering has been diversified, leading to involvement in different areas of railway systems engineering and project development.

CS has abundant experience in the control system applications for railway operation and he has extensive experience in managing SCADA based control / management system works ranging from building management system (BMS) in stations, depots and control rooms to operational critical control on signalling, traction power and tunnel ventilation. He has proven experience in contract / project management covering the whole project lifecycle from tender formulation and evaluation, contractor management, testing & commissioning and system handover. His systematic approach on system interface management is one of the key attributes to the success of the implementation of such systems in the recent projects in Hong Kong and overseas.

CS has written and presented over 30 papers in various international conferences on system engineering, system interface management and system integration on SCADA system applications for railway and he was the Past Chairman of the Control, Automation and Instrumentation Division of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Past Chairman of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Hong Kong Branch.

Venue: Best Western Plus Hong Kong Hotel
308 Des Voeux Road  West, Hong Kong
Early bird: 21 November 2016
Application Deadline: 1 December 2016

For more details, please send an email to event@lns.com.hk

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