Process Risk Assessment for Bleach and Chlorine Generators for Disinfection (27-28 April 2017)

Date of Course: 27 -28 April 2017

Aim of the Course

Onsite mobile or skid mounted Bleach and Chlorine Generators utilize salt to create either a liquid bleach solution or Chorine for disinfecting drinking water, purifying wastewater, swimming pool and disinfecting surfaces. In operation they can be single pass or batch generation depending on site requirements. Onsite generators eliminate one of the key issues with the use of Chlorine in water treatment and that is the need to transport to, or store hazard substances on site. This concern is reasonable as in 2005 a train carrying 90 tonnes of chlorine collided with a parked train in South Carolina USA releasing a toxic cloud that killed nine people and caused the evacuation of thousands more. But, although the hazards are greatly reduced by onsite generation by skid and mounted units, Bleach and Chlorine generators still introduce process hazards that require a systematic Process Risk Assessment be carried out to ensure that all risks are reduced to a “Reasonably Practicable” level and that appropriate Risk Control Measures are in place. This course presents a selection of techniques to allow for a systematic study of Bleach and Chlorine Generators to identify and analyze the significance of potential process hazards their causes and consequences followed by a range of techniques dependent on the hazards identified to either eliminate the hazards, or reduce the risk from the hazard by reducing the consequences or frequency of potential accidents to a level that can be considered “Reasonably Practicable” when compared to current industry tolerability criteria.  Process Risk Assessment (PRA) methods can be used for new generators as well as for modifications to existing units. The PRA methodology has been applied with success across water, process, power, pharmaceutical, food, oil and gas, automotive and military industries. This workshop is designed to provide the participants with the skills to carry out PRA techniques systematically on skid and mobile Bleach and Chlorine Generators. Participants will be provided with comprehensive training and resource material.
The course will provide participants with the knowledge for the application of the most popular and internationally adopted methods and tools for identifying, assessing and managing the hazards and risks associated with Bleach and Chlorine Generator operations. The course is based around a practical case study that will be developed across the two days taking the delegate from hazard identification through to demonstrating that the risks have reduced to level that can be considered “Reasonably Practicable” when compared to current industry tolerability criteria. The course is a modular structure of classroom tuition followed by a case study practical after each session, which will take the participant through the PRA process.

Who Should Attend?

Water and waste water Engineers, Operations personnel and managers as well as Maintenance engineers and personnel, consultants, advisors, persons involved in management, engineering, operations and safety of process operations as well as persons with HAZID study experience and who are involved in process risk assessment.



Colin Easton

Accredited TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Senior Expert ID 145/09 for Process Hazard & Risk Analysis and Safety Instrumented Systems, Visiting Lecturer at the University of Sheffield.

If you want the details of the course topics, agenda and the registration form, please send an email to




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