Date of Course:
Class 1 27 Jan ( Sat) 18 and 2 Feb 18 ( Fri)
Class 2 27 ( Fri) and 28 April 18 ( Sat)
Module 1 ( Day 1) Responsibility of a Medical Expert Witness and Expert Witness Report in Summons Cases
Module 2( Day 2) Medical Expert Witness in Court Hearings of Summons Cases
Ms. Cherry Hui
Former Deputy Magistrate
Professional Experience
Cherry has been practicing in the legal professional for over 18 years. She has taught Company Law, Commercial Law, Land Law, Legal Issues in Nursing, Criminal Law and Trial Advocacy at different universities and institutions. She is a highly sought after speaker on different legal issues at events and as a speaker in criminal procedure. Cherry was appointed as a Deputy Special Magistrate in 2008 and became a Deputy Magistrate in 2011. Cherry successfully handled thousands of court cases as a Deputy Judicial Officer until she finished that appointment in November 2014 and resumed her practice.
For more details, please click Medical_ Expert_ Witness_ Training_ in_ Criminal_ Cases_ flyer 2018 or send an email to event@lns.com.hk
Accreditation has been awarded by Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CME/CPD points are awarded by Colleges of Anaesthesiologists, Community Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Ophthalmologists, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Otorhinolaryngologists, Pathologists, Physicians, Psychiatrists, Radiologists and MCHK CME Programme.
For details, please send an email to event@lns.com.hk