25 June 2019
Legal Framework in Victoria for Tree Protection;
Why put a monetary value on trees? (3 hours)
26 June 2019
Urban Forestry & Biodiversity;
Planning for Planting Success in Global Climate Catastrophes (3 hours)
27 June 2019
Root System Management, Ground Penetrating
Radar (incl. Air-Knife), Root Barriers and whole tree failure incidents. (3 hours)
Biography of Lecturer: Dr Peter Yau CBiol FRSB
Dr Peter Yau is Adjunct Professor of Arboriculture – Department of Horticulture and Landscape Management, Faculty of Design and Environment, THEi HK. He was appointed Member of the Expert Panel of Tree Management (EPTM) of the Tree Management Office, Dev Bureau Hong Kong 2011-2016. He is Chartered Biologist and Fellow of Royal Society of Biology of UK.
Dr Peter Yau has provided consulting services to government bodies at federal, state and municipal government levels, universities and colleges, engineers, architects and planners, property developers, barristers and solicitors as well as private sector clients in Australia & Hong Kong. He was arboricultural advisor to the Office of The Governor, Government House Victoria.
He has extensive experience in delivering training to Government departments of the HK SAR and MTRC.
Dr Peter Yau also held many senior/chief executive appointments in local government and non-government-organization (NGO) in Australia. Dr Yau’s research at The University of Melbourne with Dr Rabi Misra and Dr Roger Sands (School of Forestry) into the damage to building foundations caused by clay soil shrinkage subsidence related to tree root absorption of soil water, together with his experience in managing this particular problem in the Melbourne City Council, qualifies him as Australia’s best informed scientist in this particular field. He has researched into the use and installation of underground root barriers in Australia and the application of tree growth regulator (Paclobutrazol) and tree pests/diseases in Melbourne.
For more details, please click Public_ Lecture_ on_ Arboriculture_ Training_ by_ Dr_Peter _Yau or send an email to event@lns.com.hk