13 April 2023 Reverse Osmosis Seawater Desalination

Date of Course  13 April 2023


This one-day course is designed to provide valuable training on seawater desalination using reverse osmosis (RO) technology. Fundamental and practical knowledge on RO will be taught. Main topics include basic concepts of membrane technology, RO membranes and their properties, basic theory on membrane transport, RO plant design and operation, and performance evaluation of RO plant. Case studies of RO desalination around the world will also be provided. The course is ideal for engineers and professionals who are working or are planning to work in the desalination industry.


Professor Tang Chuyang


CY Tang is a Professor of Environmental Engineering at the University of Hong Kong and leads the Membrane-based Environmental & Sustainable Technology (MemBEST) group. He has more than 20 years experience in membrane technology, desalination, and water reuse. Professor Tang has a Google Scholar H-index of 100 and is a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher. His invention on Aquaporin Inside Membranes (AIMs®), commercialized by Aquaporins Asia Singapore, has been widely recognized in the desalination field. Professor Tang is a Co-Editor of the Desalination journal. He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and a Fellow of Institution of Civil Engineers. He is a recipient of many prestigious awards, including inaugural RGC Senior Research Fellowship, inaugural HKU Innovator Award, CAPEES/Nanova Frontier Research Award, International Desalination Association Water Reuse & Conservation Award, Singapore Ministry of National Development R&D Merit Award, Finland Distinguished Professor Program Fellowship, and International Desalination Association Fellowship. More information about Professor Tang’s research can be found at https://www.membest.hku.hk/.

For more information, please send an email to event@lns.com.hk








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