Tree Identification

Date:14th-16th Dec 2011

Venue: 深圳長安大酒店

(The delegate is free to choose the sessions relating to the identification of ornamental trees and/or native species )

Speaker: Professor Xing Fu Wu

Objective and Course Outline:

The objective of the seminar is to enrich the knowledge of delegates on tree identification.

The technical seminar includes the principles of plant taxonomy, biodiversity and distribution of flora in South China and Hong Kong. The trainer will talk about the characteristics of flora and provide the technique on tree identification of native species, trees with amenity value and old and valuable trees. Delegates are free to choose the subject areas of either the identification of native species (approximate 200 species) in country park and/or trees in +Hong Kong Botanical and Zoological Garden (approximate 100 species). All delegates will be guided by one of the few renowned experts Professor Xing Fu Wu 邢福武 in a field trip. A class size of each field trip is limited to 30.

Biography of Lecturer:

Professor Xing Fu Wu 邢福武 is a Professor of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and doctoral advisor of South China Botanical Garden, CAS. He also serves as a vice president of Chinese Fern Society, member of IUCN/SSC China Plant Specialists Group and IAPT, Director of China Wild Plant Conservation Association, President of South China Palms Council and Managing editor of Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany.

He has been studying plant taxonomy, flora and geography, biodiversity since 1980. He is specialized in plant species identification and has extensive field experiences, especially in South China. He has collected about 23,800 specimens and identified 18,000 specimens. 20 new species and 145 new records for Hainan, Hong Kong, Guangdong or China have been reported by him. His expertise is in island biogeography, species diversity and conservation in Karst and developed zone, and Violaceae, Magnoliaceae, Orchidaceae, Balanophoraceae and Ferns.

He undertakes and participates in more than 20 projects namely “Study on the limestone flora of Hainan Island”, “Taxonomy of Viola in China,” “Taxonomy of ferns in Flora of China”, “Flora of Macao”, “Flora of Shenzhen”, “Flora of Hong Kong”, “Flora of Guangdong”, etc. Eight studying achievements have been awarded.

In recent years, he has published about 25 monographs (15 monographs as editor-in-Chief) and more than 100 papers, in which 25 papers embodied by SCI Journals such as Taxon, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Annales Botanici Fennici, Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, Novon, Nordic Journal of Botany. In addition, he has received the seventh Ding Ying Science and Technology Prize of Guangdong Province in 2004.

Tree Walk in the morning of 15th Dec 2011:深圳人民公園

Tree Walk on 16th Dec 2011: 深圳梧桐山

If you want more information about the programme, please send an email to

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